Wednesday, August 17

Three Word Wednesday

A new drabble for Three Word Wednesday. This week’s words were viable, mute, and gasp. I initially misread ‘gasp’ as ‘grasp’, which explains the end a little :o)

(note: this is not at all autobiographical)

When you’ve been trying to have a baby for a long time, you find yourself avoiding certain words in favour of others. So you don’t say “healthy” and you definitely don’t say “baby”; instead, you start to use words like “viable” and “fetus”. You don’t even say “fucking” or “lover” anymore; instead, you are “partners” “attempting to conceive”, like a pair of dancers attempting a plane landing. All that stops the first time your newborn gasps and grasps your finger. You stop caring about what you said, and what you didn’t say. You just let yourself fall, mutely, into infinity.


  1. yes that's about it.Children are such gifts.

  2. Not autobiographical, but convincingly written ... well done!

  3. great writing you have here. i can relate to the 'disclaimer'. i had to explain too that what i've written for 3WW in not autobiographical. :)
