Wednesday, June 15

Six Strings of Heaven

Another Three Word Wednesday story!  This one's not quite a drabble, as mine usually are: I hewed and I hewed at it, but I couldn't get it down to that magical 100 words. Hope you enjoy anyways!
Prompt words: Thread, Prefer, Grip

“Those some sharp threads you got on,” Leroy said to the well-dressed man. “Little warm for them though, isn't it?”
“i'm used to the heat,” he replied. “Mind if i sit a spell?”
“Actually, I'd prefer you didn't,” Leroy said, gripping his guitar's neck tightly. “I know why you're here, and want none of it.”
“Are you sure about that? The interests i represent have a great interest in you, Leroy. They'll pay any price to have you come work for us.”
“I already got all of heaven and hell between my fingers,” Leroy said. “Ain't nothing you can offer me that these six strings can't provide. Now get on out of here.”
“Very well, it's your funeral,” the well-dressed man said as he turned to leave.


  1. wonderful interesting story.More please.

  2. Character writing...cleverly done. The dialogue captures. Then what happens. How about you keep posting? A book in the making perhaps?

  3. Oooh, I really love this!

    "“I already got all of heaven and hell between my fingers,” Leroy said. “Ain't nothing you can offer me that these six strings can't provide."


  4. Oh! I love it :-) I really like the pace and the characters. It made me smile. Thank you.

  5. Quite a wonderful line, the one about six strings is :)

  6. good one. very well written piece.

